Neurodivergent affirming IEP Accommodations for Autistic and ADHD-ers in high school settings
In the realm of neurodiversity, it's crucial to create supportive environments that cater to the unique needs of every individual, especially in high school settings where students are navigating academic and social challenges. For ADHD-ers and Autistics, accessing appropriate accommodations through Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) AND 504 Plans can significantly enhance their educational experience. Let's delve into some common accommodations parents can request during IEP meetings.

Signs of Depression In Children And How To Help Them
Unfortunately, childhood depression is a very real thing.

What Is Childhood Trauma
There’s a narrative in our world that the solution to every problem is to grit your teeth, shrug off the pain, and keep moving. Which, when you think about it, sounds less like a solution and more like a recipe for disaster.