Meet the clinician: Teresa Koro (She/They)
At our practice, we’re honored to have Teresa Koro (she/they) as part of our team. Teresa’s approach to therapy is rooted in compassion, authenticity, and an unwavering commitment to neurodiversity-affirming care. Whether you're seeking support for emotional regulation, exploring your authentic self, or navigating the intersection of personal growth and social justice, Teresa provides a space where clients can truly thrive. Here's a closer look at Teresa’s therapeutic approach…
MeeT the Clinician: Alex McLaughlin
Meet Alex! At Neuron and Rose, Alex McLaughlin (they/them) stands out as a therapist who combines empathy, evidence-based practices, and a commitment to social justice. Their unique therapeutic approach is informed by multiple frameworks and modalities, each tailored to meet the diverse needs of their therapy participants. Rooted in collaboration, Alex empowers individuals to navigate life’s challenges by honoring their lived experiences and fostering growth in a safe, inclusive environment.
DragonCon 2024: “Still Not Quite Part of Your World” – Advocacy, Autism, and Acceptance
At DragonCon 2024, a remarkable panel brought together the unique perspectives and expertise of our CEO and Founder Dr. Jessica Hogan, Billing Admin Rainn Stone, and renowned experts Dr. Stacy Greeter and Dr. Alicia Cho. Titled "Still Not Quite Part of Your World: A Deeper Understanding of and Better World for Autistic People," this innovative session tackled pervasive misunderstandings about autism in a creative and engaging way.
Neurodiversity and the holidays (Fuck Expectations, Eat Cookies)
Best wishes during this holiday season, from the Neuron & Rose family 🤍And fuck conventionality: do what makes your ND heart happy. We love you as you are.
So you want to be a neurodivergent affirming clinician? Super! This process of becoming a neurodivergent affirming (ND-affirming) clinician is continual processing of learning and growth. It requires a commitment to tolerating discomfort. It requires cultural humility; naming when you made an error, and committing to doing better. It requires that as you continue to learn, you commit to shifting your language & practices. This PDF is intended as a jumping off point.
Neuroinclusive workplaces: What it means to be an inclusive, neurodivergent boss (Part III)
Join us for Part 3 of our series about Neuroinclusive Workplaces and Hiring! Today, we are chatting about accepting workplace changes at every stage–that is, prior to the hiring process, during the hiring process, and throughout employment–for ongoing support and workplace culture.
Neuroinclusive workplaces: What it means to be an inclusive, neurodivergent boss (Part I)
We hope that this first part of our series on neuroinclusive workplaces can be of help, especially for neurodivergent bosses that want to ensure not only their business, but also their personal worldview, is inclusive, neuroaffirming, and anti-racist and anti-oppressive. Come back next week for part two of this series, which will focus on the hiring process and important aspects to consider when onboarding.
What are Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) & are they a form of stimming
Join our clinician, Alex, as they explore Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) and stimming!
Understanding 504 Plans and Workplace Accommodations for Neurodivergent Adults
Previously, we have discussed the crucial role of 504 Plans for autistic adults. We focused on understanding 504 Plans and housing as well as understanding 504 Plans and educational accommodations for neurodivergent adults (in California and Minnesota). Now, we will turn our attention to understanding 504 Plans and workplace accommodations for neurodivergent adults.
Today we’re going to be talking about something we mentioned in our series on navigating autistic burnout… masking! Today, we will specifically be focusing on masking traits in young women, and how this could play into the gender differences associated with a diagnosis of Autism.
Navigating Autistic Burnout: Autistic Burnout Prevention
Today we’re going to dive into our series on navigating autistic burnout, looking specifically at burnout prevention. If you haven’t already, check out our previous blog post on autistic burnout to see how it differs from regular burnout and depression.
Navigating Autistic Burnout: Recovery Tips
Welcome back to the final installment of our series “Navigating Autistic Burnout.” Today, we will be looking at how to recover from autistic burnout and will talk about strategies that you can incorporate in your life to help prevent burnout as well, such as seeking support and using self-care strategies.
Focused AF: A Body Doubling Group - Boost Your Focus, Ignite Your Productivity!
Ready to boost your focus and productivity with Focused AF: A Body Doubling Group? Sign up now for a transformative six-week experience!
Masking, Code Switching, and How to Go Unnoticed
Learn about the intersection of Code Switching and Masking from this month’s guest blogger, Sabrina Longley! In her own powerful words, “CODE SWITCHING MAKES ME FEEL LIKE I’M PUTTING ON A COSTUME. MASKING FEELS LIKE I’M BURYING MYSELF. BOTH MAKE ME CLAUSTROPHOBIC IN MY OWN SKIN.”
The Intersection of Being Autistic & Hard of Hearing
A special blog from our very own, Dr. Jessica Hogan, who discusses the intersection of her Autism and Hard of Hearing!
BrainSpotting: Recognizing and Processing Trauma Through the visual field
We are now offering brainspotting therapy! Brainspotting therapy is a type of alternative therapy that uses spots in a person’s visual field to help them process trauma. It accesses trauma trapped in the subcortical brain, the area of the brain responsible for motion, consciousness, emotions, and learning.
Embracing Neurodiversity: Bridging the Gap Between Neurotypical and Neurodivergent Experiences
Let’s Talk About Neurodiversity and Why Neurodivergent Affirming Therapy Is Your Best Option!
Navigating ADHD in the Workplace: Strategies for Success
Let’s talk about navigating the workplace, especially traditional workplaces when you have ADHD.
What Does It Mean To Be Neurodivergent?
Neurodivergence is nothing new. However, you’ve probably heard the term more often over the last decade or so.
The Connection Between Autism and Trauma
For an autistic child, trauma might make symptoms worse or seem more prevalent. Let’s take a closer look at this connection between autism and trauma, especially if your child has been through a traumatic experience.